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Chaires iMUST

The iMUST labex wishes to contribute to strengthening research and training in its interdisciplinary themes at the interface between physics, chemistry and engineering. This will be achieved by strengthening the attractiveness of the site in order to attract researchers with confirmed excellence or very high potential.

iMUST supports Chairs of Excellence, which aims to support the installation of professors/research directors recruited on positions opened by one of its partner institutions, or by transfer/promotion in a laboratory participating in the labex.

The support is spread over a period of 3 to 4 academic years. It consists of a 120 k€ grant (operating - equipment) for the project of the professor/research director recruited, the financing of the salary of a doctoral student for 3 years, and for a professor, the payment of a partial teaching discharge for the two years following acceptance (subject to the agreement of the supervising institution).

This support is granted for the recruitment of a candidate from outside the host institution and laboratory concerned. Each candidate has proposed an ambitious research project on one of the thematic axes of the iMUST labex, in accordance with the scientific policy of the laboratory.

Call 2021

3 Professors have been awarded a chair labeled iMUST

Julien Leclaire's project


Pierre Trontin's Project

Thomas Niahaus's Project