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CALLS 2020 - 2025
- 202113 JAN 15 MAY
- 202121 JUN 06 SEP
Since 2012, the Labex iMUST offers the possibility of financial aid to support doctoral contracts labeled by the Labex iMUST. This action will be renewed in 2021. (24 k€ in total in operating costs for the 3 years of the thesis)
- 202401 JAN 31 DEC
In order to encourage scientific exchanges between Lyon and foreign research teams, we would like to remind you that the iMUST labex offers support for "in" and "out" mobility.
- 202419 JUL 08 NOV
In this context, we propose a new action to support seed projects whose objective is to validate, on a fundamental level, disruptive concepts with a strong application potential beyond the duration of the project supported by iMUST.
- 2024 202516 DEC 17 FEB
Each year, the labex publishes a call for projects which aims to encourage its teams to propose upstream and multidisciplinary research projects related to iMUST's scientific fields.
Projects 2022
Today, the design and synthesis of catalysts is a major challenge to address societal and environmental issues. For this purpose, it is necessary to understand the fundamental properties of catalysts at the atomic and electronic level. Methodologies for surface characterization and analysis of electronic properties of catalysts have been developed but always far away from the real working conditions, often limited to post-mortem/ante-mortem characterization. PinCell proposes the identification of catalytically active phases under the operating conditions of the catalysts. The whole from a multi-pinhole membrane cell intended for a standard XPS setup in an approach inspired by environmental electron microscopy (ETEM-high pressure cell).
Projects 2021
Molecular simulations provide detailed insight in the reactivity at solid/liquid interfaces. These interfaces are of particular importance for biomass conversion. In Fabio, we will develop density functional tight-binding (DFTB) for describing the platinum/water/organic molecule interfaces. DFTB should provide a good compromise between computational expense and accuracy when compared to density functional theory and force fields, respectively.
Projects 2020
The OPTO-PYRO project seeks to use nonlinear optics to trigger explosions. Through the unique collaboration of chemists and physicists, we will introduce and examine a new detonation mechanism, whereby a secondary explosive is destabilized by photo-triggered electron transfer. The mechanistic understanding of the MPA by energetic materials and decomposition is our fundamental research objective. The use of MPA for optical triggering (potentially also in the presence of nanoparticles for plasmon enhancement) would enable the replacement of primary detonating devices, using instead less sensitive materials devoid of highly toxic heavy metals.
*Functional Imaging with Higher-Dimensional Electrical Data Sets, P. De Wolf et al., Microscopy Today 26, 18 (2018)
**Consortium Lyon Saint-Etienne de Microscopie (FED 4092),
All this will be possible thanks to the support of the LABEX iMUST and the POCOYO consortium partners (INL UMR 5270, MATEIS UMR 5510, iLM UMR 5306, IMP UMR 5223, LaMCoS UMR 5259, LGEF EA 682, and the CLYM federation).
Doctoral contracts awarded in 2021
Okba Mostefaoui - LMFA/IMP
In the context of urban micro-plastic wastes management in sewer networks and combined storms overflows, this PhD project studies plastic micro-particles dynamics in flows typical of urban hydrosystems. In this study, model particles will be manufactured with varying properties (shape, size, density…) and placed in open channel flows in order to study their dynamic (transport, entrapment…) in different flow configurations.
Sabrina Grenda - LMI/ILM
Morgane Zimmer - INL/IMP
Mathias Desseaux - LMI/ILM
First, the thesis will focus on the High Temperature (HT) study of these binary systems. In particular, the Liq-Liq miscibility gaps, which have been little studied experimentally until now.
Then, a study under High Pressure (HP) will be carried out in collaboration with the ILM through the use of the experimental park proposed by the PLECE.
Finally, the acquired experimental data will be used for a thermodynamic modelling (CALPHAD) with pressure and temperature variables.
Doctoral contracts awarded in 2020
Pauline Bregigeon - AMPERE/ILM
Louis Combe - ILM/MATEIS
Camille Zoude - MATEIS/CETHIL
Thermochemical energy storage is a promising technique for storing intermittent thermal energy (of solar origin for example). It is based on the hydration and dehydration of hygroscopic salts. However, during the cycles of use, the efficiency of the storage devices decreases, in particular because of an uncontrolled agglomeration of the salts.
This thesis project aims to propose porous ceramic matrices, able to trap very large quantities of salts while avoiding their aggolmeration, and therefore to increase the efficiency and lifespan of thermochemical energy storage systems.
Laura Vanessa Reyes Villamizar - LGPC/IRCELYON
Innovation internships 2021-2022
IRCELYON - M2 Synthesis Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry (SCSC)/Master Chimie Lyon - New class of hybrid halides for optoelectronic applications
INL - M2 Nanoscale Engineering/3rd year (equivalent M2) Engineering School, Ecole Centrale de Lyon -What happens at the nanometrical scale at the Liquid/Solid Interface ?
In this mode, the AFM tip is scanned in Z direction as well as in XY directions to image the whole 3D interfacial space in the few nanometers into the liquid. This original technique is the only one which allows to follow directly the organization of water molecules around adsorbed biological molecules or at the surface of organic layers. Somme applications in tribology and for conception of biosensors are being considered.
The candidate should have knowledges in Physics or Physico-chemistry and a strong taste fore multidisciplinary studies , instrumentation and experimenatl work . No special skills in Biology are necessary.
INL - Master 2 in Chemistry or in Nanoscale engineering 3rd year students from Ecole Centrale de Lyon (Bio-Engineering and Nanotechnoly option) - Gold-based nanoparticles for photo-induced hyperthermia on pancreatic tumor environment to facilitate the penetration of anti-cancer agents
The Master internship student will work on this project in collaboration with 3 laboratories involved in the iMUST Labex: Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL), Institut Lumière Matière (ILM) and Laboratoire Ampère. The student will synthesize different gold nanostructures (nanorods, core-shell) exhibiting near infrared absorption properties at INL, a spectral region in which the absorption and scattering of biological tissues is minimized. They will be studied in vitro on 2D and then 3D cell cultures (spheroids) and exposed to infrared. A device currently developed by Ampère and ILM for spheroid electroporation will be used for this purpose. It allows culture of hundreds of spheroids of similar size and shape in a microstructured hydrogel and easy medium exchange/reagent injection while avoiding spheroid handling steps. The NPs penetration and distribution in cells will be quantified by optical microscopy and correlated to the therapeutic efficiency. In particular, gold NPs will be detected through their two-photon excited photoluminescence properties using the multiphoton microscope on the Lyon NanOpTec platform.
ILM - Master 2 Nanoscale Lyon, Phelma Grenoble - Pulsed Laser Deposited microstructures for integrated optics
[1] Abdellaoui N, et al.. Nanotechnology. 2015.
[2] M. Jelínek et al. Laser Phys. 2009
[4] Gassenq A, et al. Optics Express 2021.
IMP - Master 2 Chimie et Sciences des Matériaux - Nanostructuration of epoxyde networks by H-bonding block copolymers
In this context, the main objectives of this internship will be i) to synthesize a series of well-defined BCPs with a H-bonding rubbery block and an epoxy-miscible block by RAFT polymerization, ii) to employ these BCPs to generate nanostructured epoxy thermosets with different morphologies and iii) to evaluate how (macro)molecular parameters (block copolymer composition, block copolymer content, nature and number of H-bonding motifs, morphology) impact mechanical properties (especially toughness) of the resulting polymer networks in order to optimize the properties of the thermosets.
¹a) M. A. Hillmyer, P. M. Lipic, D. A. Hajduk, K. Almdal, F. S. Bates J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 2749-2750. b) Rebizant, V.; Venet, A.-S.; Tournilhac, F.; Girard-Reydet, E.; Navarro, C.; Pascault, J.-P.; Leibler, L. Macromolecules 2004, 37, 8017−8027.c) S. Chen, P. Alcouffe, A. Rousseau, J-F. Gérard, F. Lortie, J. Zhu, J. Bernard. Macromolecules 2021, 37, 8017−8027.